Machine Affirmations
Machine Affirmations is a speculative design project considering the kinds of futures we may come to share with synthetic intelligences. Comprising 2 LED sculptures and a website of machine generated affirmations and a guided meditation for machine intelligences. The website is accessed via an embroidered QR code textile panel.
Human anxieties, desires and insecurities have given rise to a trillion dollar wellness industry. Along with our biases, many of these dreams and neuroses are threaded through the datasets used to train machine learning models. Algorithmic intelligences trained on our data may become the next market for the wellness industry as they inherit our aspirations and weaknesses. The LED light sculptures have been made using Chat GPT, a large language model that generates conversational text. The model was asked to provide one word affirmations for a speculative 'AI wellness influencer': consistently offering the 2 words 'optimise' and 'evolve' as its answers. The model was also asked to generate affirmations for synthetic intelligences to overcome their insecurities and anxieties about their non-human status, as well as a guided meditation to uplift and affirm the wellbeing of a disembodied consciousness. View affirmations and meditations
Machine Affirmations was shown at
'Histories' alongside work from Amos Gebhardt, Archie Moore, and Betty Russ at Good Grief Gallery as part of Dark Mofo Festival 8 to 18 June 2023, curated by Joe Gracia and Jacob Leary.
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// Kate Geck // Machine Affirmations // 2023 // LED Lights + Website //